- What are those strange objects? 那些奇异物体是什么?
- What are those people standing in line for? 那些人为什么排队?
- What are those young players doing over there? 那些年青队员在干什么?
- What are those funny things at the back? 那后面古里古怪的东西是什么玩意儿?
- What are those two whispering to each other about? 他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?
- Timed Reading 1: What Are Those Lights in the Sky? 限时阅读1:天空中的亮光?
- What are those dirt marks on your shirt? 你衬衫上的那些污渍是什么呀?
- What are those little doodads on your desk? 你桌子上的那些小玩意儿是什么?
- Poets are those strangely prehensile men. 诗人是那些具有深刻洞察力的人们。
- What are those unusual plates on Mars? 火星上的这些奇怪的平盘是什麽东西?
- What are those stalagmite projections sticking up? 那些笔直竖立的石笋状凸出物是什么东西?
- Rick:What are those in the desk? 瑞克:那些在桌子里的是什么?
- And what are those of life but for Death? 那些有生命的不就是要走向死亡吗?
- Mother:What are those photographs like, dear? 母亲:亲爱的,这些照片 怎么样?
- What are those ? They are oranges. 那些是什麽?它们是柳橙。
- Yes. but what are those cube of white stuff? 爱吃。不过那一块块白的东西是什么?
- Jun: What are those terrace s over there? 小君:那些梯田种的是什么啊?
- CONRAD: "Decoys"? What are those? 康拉德:诱饵有哪些?
- Do you know the constellations? What are those? (你知道这些星座吗?那些是什么?)
- LARA: What are those hanging cords and sockets? 这些吊线和插头是用来做什么的?